Klimczak and C. McCarthy, Chapter 3: Planetary Geomechanics, in Comparative Planetology Across the Solar System, Volume 2: Planetary Tectonism Across the Solar System, (in press)
Singh, V., C. McCarthy, M. Silvia, M.V. Jakuba, K.L. Craft, A.R. Rhoden, C. German, and T.A. Koczynski (2023) Surviving in Ocean Worlds: Experimental Characterization of Fiber Optic Tethers across Europa-like Ice Faults and Unraveling the Sliding Behavior of Ice, The Planetary Science Journal, 4, 1. pdf
Kingslake, J., R. Skarbek, E. Case, and C. McCarthy (2022) Grain-size evolution controls the accumulation dependence of modeled isothermal firn thickness, The Cryosphere, 16, 9, 3413-3430. pdf
McCarthy, C., R. M. Skarbek, and H.M. Savage (2022) Tidal modulation of ice streams: Effects of periodic sliding velocity on ice friction and healing, Frontiers in Earth Science, 10:719074. pdf
Skarbek, R.M., C. McCarthy, and H.M. Savage (2022) Oscillatory loading can alter the velocity rate dependence of ice-on-rock friction, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 23(2), e2021GC009954. pdf
Saltiel, S., C. McCarthy, T. T. Creyts, and H. M. Savage (2021) Experimental evidence of velocity-weakening friction during ice slip over frozen till: implications for basal seismicity in fast moving, soft-bed glaciers and ice streams, SRL-D-20-00480R2 pdf
McCarthy. C., M. A. Nielson, A. Coonin, J. S. Minker, A. A. Domingos (2019) Acoustic and microstructural properties fo partially molten samples in the ice-ammonia system, Geosciences 9, 327, doi: 10.3390/geosciences9080327 pdf
Sasaki, Y., Y. Takei, C. McCarthy, and J. F. Rudge (2019) Experimental study of dislocation damping using a rock analogue, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124, doi: 10.1029/2018JB016906 pdf
Lipovsky, B. P., C. R. Meyer, L. K. Zoet, C. McCarthy, D. D. Hansen, A. W. Rempel, and F. Gimbert (2019) Glacier sliding, seismicity, and sediment entrainment, Annals of Glaciology, doi: 10.1017/aog.2019.24 pdf
McCarthy, C. , H. M. Savage, and M. Nettles (2017) Temperature dependence of ice-on-rock friction at realistic glacier conditions, Philosophical Transactions A, 375: 20150348 pdf
McCarthy, C. , H. M. Savage, T. Koczynski, and M. A. Nielson (2016) An apparatus to measure frictional, anelastic, and viscous behavior in ice at temperate and planetary conditions, Rev. Sci. Inst. 87, 055112, doi: 10.1063/1.4950782 pdf
McCarthy, C. and R.F. Cooper (2016) Tidal dissipation in creeping ice and the thermal evolution of Europa, EPSL 443, 185-194. pdf
Abers, G.A., K.M. Fischer, G. Hirt, D.A. Wiens, T. A. Plank, B.K. Holzman, C. McCarthy, E. Gazel (2014) Reconciling mantle attenuation-temperature relationships from seismology, petrology, and laboratory measurements, G3, Vol. 15(9), 3521-3542. pdf
McCarthy, C. and J. C. Castillo-Rogez (2013) Planetary Ices: Attenuation Properties, in: The Science of Solar System Ices, Astrophysics and Space Science Library 356, Eds.: M. Gudipati and J. Castillo-Rogez, Springer, New York
McCarthy, C., J.R. Blackford, and C.E. Jeffree (2012) Low-temperature-SEM study of dihedral angles in the Ice-I/sulfuric acid partially molten system, Journal of Microscopy, 10.1111/jmi.12003
McCarthy, C., Y. Takei and T. Hiraga (2011) Experimental study of attenuation and dispersion over a broad frequency range: 2. The universal scaling of polycrystalline materials, Journal of Geophys. Res. 116, B09207, doi: 10.1029/2011JB008384. pdf
McCarthy, C. and Y. Takei (2011) Anelasticity and viscosity of partially molten rock analogue: toward seismic detection of small quantities of melt, Geophys. Res. Lett. 38, L18306, doi: 10.1029/2011GL048776 pdf
Takei, Y., K. Fujisawa, and C. McCarthy (2011) Experimental study of attenuation and dispersion over a broad frequency range: 1. The Apparatus, Journal of Geophys. Res. 116B09204. pdf
McCarthy, C., R.F. Cooper, D.L. Goldsby, W.B. Durham, and S.H. Kirby (2011) Transient and Steady-state Creep Response of Ice-I and Magnesium Sulfate Hydrate Eutectic Aggregates, Journal of Geophys. Res. – Planets, doi:10.1029/2010JE003689. pdf
McCarthy, C., R.F. Cooper, S.H. Kirby, K.D. Rieck, and L.A. Stern (2007) Solidification and microstructures of binary ice I/hydrate eutectic aggregates. American Mineralogist, Vol. 92, 1550-1560.